Karina Meacham

Coach Type: Certified NLP Coach

Coach Overview

Karina is a NLP Master Coach who specialises in providing a deep level of support to those experiencing relationship, parenting and personal challenges.

A former Paediatric Nurse, Karina has had years of experience nurturing people through their darkest hours. Her caring nature and intuitive gifts allow her to confidently hold space for anyone who is experiencing emotional distress.

Karina’s practice is founded on the belief that early programming in childhood can limit a person’s capacity to enjoy deeply connected relationships and create a life of their own design. Steadfastly results-driven, Karina gently guides clients to take responsibility for their own healing, allowing them to become powerful leaders in their own lives and inspiring deep and lasting change in their families.

Fusing science and intuition, Karina’s authentic approach is peppered with practical tools, cheeky humour and a sprinkle of woo woo! As a wife and mother of two teenagers, Karina shares her own lived experiences with her clients as both a resource and reminder that she is growing and evolving alongside them. With a deep dedication to her own personal development, she works collaboratively with her clients as they move from lives weighed down with discontent to lives full of meaning and joy.

Education & Training

1995 – 1997 Australian Catholic University Melbourne Bachelor of Nursing
2001-2002 Aust. College of Natural Medicine (Melb) Cert. IV Massage Therapy
2004 Bowtech Melbourne Diploma Bowen Therapy
2014 Gordon Training International Parent Effectiveness Training Instructor
2016 Certified Coach in Neuro Linguistic Programming. ICF Accredited Psychotherapist and Coach

Professional Memberships

International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Neuro Linguistic Programming Association of Australia (NLPAA)

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