Instruction Test Coach

Coach Type: Test Coach 🙂

Coach Overview

We want to help you be as successful as you can as a coach, and that starts with a great bio of yourself.

BIO HACK: Please take some time to download this document and follow the instructions to use ChatGPT (or similar) to write your bio.


  • * avoid acronyms when you can, your clients don't know what they mean!
  • * use a photo that is recent and captures YOU. Please, no words on the photo.
  • * If you have a video you would like to add, please provide the link below in the appropriate section. We recommend having a short 1-2 minute introduction video. You can use the ChatGPT prompts to write a short script for you if you want. Just be sure to look into the camera 🙂
  • * Your probono and discounted rates are up to you - and how often you use them is up to you. We do want to ensure that you have these on offer for people who need them. We love making NLP accessible to everyone when and where we can.

Expertise and Niche Areas

Do you have an area of expertise or niche? If not, let us know you are a generalist coach and list a few topics that you enjoy working on.

Education & Training

List your NLP and Coach training, including dates and any other relevant training or education you have.

Please spell it out - communication is the response you get.
eg: NLP Master Practitioner Certification - 2017 vs Master NLP

Professional Memberships

List out any professional memberships you have.

Again, please spell it out, ACC means nothing to someone, NLPAA also means nothing. Use full words to help your clients understand your credentials.

Contact a Coach

Are you looking to schedule an appointment with this coach? Most of our coaches have an online calendar you can use to schedule an appointment Before emailing them about availability here, please check their website first (click website above in the blue box).If you have other questions for your coach, you can reach them here.Do you still need to send this coach an email? *
My name: *
Best way to contact me: *
My best phone number is (incl country code):
Questions or notes for the Coach: